
My father Mr. PS Desikan had taken pains to translate the First Centum of Thiruvaymozhi into English and has published it in his website. Recently I unearthed from his computer his unpublished translation of most part of the Second Centum of Thiruvaymozhi (from 2.4 - ஆடியாடி to 2.9 எம்மாவீட்டு). I intend to publish these and also continue from where he left off.

With this intent, I have been doing rough translation of the Second Centum (remaining pasurams), the Third Centum and the Fourth Centum, following the same pattern as set by him.

There are so many great translations of the Great Tiruvaymozhi available. However, this humble attempt is done only for the limited purpose of my own learning pleasure and to reinforce the pasurams in my own memory and not for any other purpose.

As I was fascinated by the beauty of the Tamil Grammatical Rhyming (சந்தம்) of these Pasurams, I have indicated the Grammatical Genre (இலக்கணம்) of each Pasuram and wherever possible attached an audio clipping  of the Pasuram (mostly by an eminent scholar well known to all - sometimes of my own (Tamil) and my wife Mrs. uma's (English) recitation).

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